Isabelle Georges

11 February 2022

Official music video On ne part jamais vraiment

Birth or introduction

The lyrics of this song were written by Isabelle Georges in resonance with the anniversary of Gilbert Bécaud’s passing and in echo to Yiddish proverb: ‘There is no past. There is only today, and in today, tightly packed and burning like inside a lily of the valley bell, all the dead we have loved.’

On ne part jamais vraiment (One never really leaves)
Lyrics by Isabelle Georges
Music by Bruno Fontaine
Directed by Julien Metternich
Produced by Encore Music

Arrangement, musical direction & piano: Bruno Fontaine
Double bass: Benoît Dunoyer de Segonzac
Drums & percussions: Daniel Ciampolini
Clarinet: Adrien Sanchez
Cello: Hermine Horiot

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On ne part jamais vraiment (One never really leaves)
(I. Georges/B. Fontaine)

On ne part jamais vraiment / One never really leaves
On laisse des traces / One leaves traces
De joie ou de tourments / Of joy or torment
Semence ou dédicace / Seeds or dedication

On ne part jamais vraiment / One never really leaves
On change d’espace / One longs for new spaces
D’envie ou de tasse / Desires or cups
Naissance ou préface / Birth or introduction

On ne part jamais vraiment / One never really leaves
On a l’audace / One has the audacity
De croire au changement / To believe in transformation
Absence ou face à face / Absent or face to face

On ne part jamais vraiment / One never really leaves
C’est cocasse / It’s funny
On enlace autrement / We embrace differently
L’oubli qui nous menace / The oblivion that threatens us

On ne part jamais vraiment / One never really leaves
On s’efface tendrement / One tenderly fades away
Quelques remous à la surface / A few swirls on the surface
Une fleur, un poème, un chant / A flower, a poem, a song
On ne part jamais vraiment / One never really leaves
On passe / One passes

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