Her exquisite yet bubbling grace was sorely missed on the French music scene!
À Nous Paris
Isabelle Georges

Hâte-toi lentement

The story of an encounter

Isabelle Georges & Roland Romanelli, a sharing of emotions. Seventeen original songs which testify to the magnificent complicity between two rare artists, that fate introduced like a luminous evidence…

Seventeen gems chiseled by four hands, among which five unpublished melodies, written for French diva Barbara, brought back to life by Isabelle Georges. Hâte-toi lentement (hurry up slowly): a journey out of time, on a path as personal as it is universal.

From encounters to memories, from ‘coups de foudre’ to outbursts, the words and melodies of one inspire the compositions and harmonizations of the other…

Festival Radio France Occitanie Montpellier

Festival Radio France Occitanie Montpellier

Roland Romanelli © photo D. le Deodic

Festival Radio France Occitanie Montpellier

Festival Radio France Occitanie Montpellier

bouton lecture


Music, piano, accordion Roland Romanelli

Words Isabelle Georges

Piano Frederik Steenbrink

Basse Fifi Chayeb

Drums Claude Salmieri

Costumes FBG